End of Summer Reflections

End of Summer Reflections

Dear Friends,

Already mid-point in August, actually closer to it ending than it beginning, I certainly find reasons to be excited as well as disappointed.

I will start with why I am disappointed. As a Californian (forever in my heart I will be a Cali girl), August only means it’s about to get cold; even on this very night (8.16), I feel it in the air and it makes me blue. I love the sun and heat so much that I desperately long for it.

The reason behind my excitement, after a little research about the month of August, is because I was blown away at what I found. Surprised that it not only meant the 8th month of the year in the northern hemisphere, I also found the definition of “august” (adjective) means respective and impressive. Furthermore, August relates to “augury,” the act of divination (telling the future). Augurs were official Roman soothsayers, whose
job was not to tell the future so much as to determine if the Roman gods approved of a planned course of action.

Here’s where I think God is so clever. He spoke to me through the www search and reminded me that I don’t have to rely on Roman gods to approve a planned course of action. Instead, HE has placed the Love Links team and me on the course of action! See, for months we have been seeking and praying for the answer of expansion and adding a club to our outreach nights. We decided that we would try in September, and we are trusting God to open the doors no man can shut and close the ones that are not for us.

Ultimately, God guides and directs our steps and He alone gives approval. No fortune telling, just His divine Hand on His outlined plan!

Friend, if you know Jesus, I encourage you to step in faith and stop standing in fear. He is beside you, behind you, in front of you, and within you. If you don’t know Him, I encourage you to reach your hand out to Him; He is waiting with open arms to receive you. If you want a team member to pray with you, we can and we would be honored.

