Sweet Treats

Dear Friends,

Hard to believe mid-February has arrived. Unfortunately, from the Groundhog prediction, winter isn’t leaving anytime soon. As we move through the hours and days of the long winter, we do so with the anticipation that spring is coming and warmer weather can certainly help cure the blues.

I have a terrible sweet tooth and evident during my recent dental visit. While sitting in the dental chair, it occurred to me this could have been avoided. See, a cavity is caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in the mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and not cleaning teeth well. The erosion causes tiny openings or holes in the enamel making it vulnerable for toothache or worst, if left untreated, tooth loss.

In preparation for outreach, our team looks for ways to bless the girls. Typically, we shower them with sweet treats especially during Valentine’s. But it’s more than the kind tasty to the tongue. We truly want the ladies to sense the sweet touch of Christ in the core of their soul. We too desire that and we need Him desperately.  

We often leave the “cavities” in our hearts untreated making them vulnerable for decay to set in. Decay from past hurts, bitterness, anger, fear, regret, loneliness and so on. We must choose for the God to do the “filling,” not the kind of filling we try to get from external sources. Those can’t cure the internal deficit. Only through His perfect love can He remove the ache in our heart and “fill” with His peace. How does He do that you may ask? He gets to the “root” of our pain and replaces it with the “Crownof Life

As many of us will enjoy the sweet treats of Valentine’s Day be reminded to sip slowly on the sweet love of Jesus.

In His Love,
