A Reflection On The New Year

How long into the New Year before we ought to stop saying “Happy New Year!”?  If I had to guess, most of us say this with much enthusiasm and an increased pitch in the tone of our voice or exclamation in our emails. Why is that? Likely because the “New Year” is filled with fresh starts, resolutions, hopes, dreams, beginnings. This year, even more amplified as so many of us are ready to say goodbye to the past.

Most of our team would agree, we were anticipating the stroke of midnight! Three weeks into the year, some are settling into our resolutions hoping this time we will “get it right.” But most, have already thrown in the towel. An article out of *Forbes magazine stated that “studies have shown that approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail…” Their information was cited from **inc.com. Reasons likely linked to the “psychology behind the word itself. Resolution. It’s a strong demanding word. It screams I must.”

What interested me so much about this was how true that resonated in my own decision years ago to no longer make resolutions. They felt binding and restricted. For me it was always to eat better, exercise, not stay up late…. You know, the boring kind of resolutions. Still I didn’t want anything to have that kind of power over me, but honestly, I just don’t have that kind of discipline.

As I have aged, this has changed slightly. Actually, a lot. I no longer wait to make decisions to start afresh at the beginning of the year. I no longer wait until the New Year to set goals, dream big, resolve to change a particular area of my life. I have learned by studying His Word and perfect promises that His mercies are new every morning and that He is the God of a fresh start.

Friend, I hope this reminds you that it is never too late to start, or too early.

In His Love,




LL Newsletter Jan 2021